The Happy Hedgehog Rescue in Yateley are celebrating their 5th anniversary. The rescue began in what seems like decades ago says Jayne the founder. We had moved to Yateley after much persuasion from my husband after an attack that had much immobilised me mentally with PTSD. I was a bit of a mess from a while and was pretty much house bound. I didn’t really want to move and leave my safety blanket ( our home) but when I saw what is now our new house, that had a garage I knew that would be my hogspital, so I agreed. 5 years on and the garage is now converted with a new roof, the old wiggly asbestos tin roof but a memory, and is now insulated with cages wall to wall. The benefits of working with animals has been proven scientifically and I owe the hedgehogs alot, they saved me.
I had originally signed up with the British Hedgehog Preservation Society to become a carer for them and take in 6 hedgehogs only, that never happened. Last winter we had over 130 in our care and have been full to overflowing most of the year. We now have volunteers, a committee and many friends of the rescue that support us. We have several talented people in our Hoggycraft group where we make our own craft items to sell to raise funds. We are on the lookout for knitters by the way!
Jayne the Founder and Manager says we have come along way in a short time and I personally have had to wear many hats from Health and Safety to First Aid to Project Manager. I have never been afraid to tackle things but setting up a rescue isn’t the easiest of things to do and I liken it to setting up a business but without any money. The hedgehogs arrive first and then you have to work backwards saving to buy the hardware that you really need. The animals come first so food and medication area a priority.
Our mission statement is to rehabilitate hedgehogs for a full release back to the wild where they are happiest. I am passionate about engaging with the finders and the community to educate family and friends to improve access in gardens and make better habitat not just for our spiky friends but all our wildlife. Everybody loves a hedgehog and they can be a great talking point for the street bringing people together in a common cause. We have alot of Hedgehogs Ambassadors out there now who have just as much passion as I.
Going forward we have many plans but for now we need to raise enough funds to see us through winter. Anyone wishing to donate can do so on our website via paypal
We always welcome new volunteers into the HHR family whether hands on cleaning, fundraising or collecting hogs in need. E-mail us for any details If we get the community support then hopefully we can continue for another 5 years, my heart permitting.
DON’T forget to vote for us in the Ark Wildlife Big Giveaway to secure us free food for the many hedgehogs in our care. and Vote Happy Hedgehog Rescue YATELEY
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RT @HappyHedgehog3: Happy 5th Hogday from all the Hedgepigs and Hogified Humans
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RT @HappyHedgehog3: Happy 5th Hogday from all the Hedgepigs and Hogified Humans
Happy Birthday Yately Rescue.
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Happy Birthday from Hugh
# Adrian. Glad he’s still around and doing well. Our little miracle!
Congrats all 🙂
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Happy Hogday Birthday! Wishing you many more! <3
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